Bringing you Only the Best Quality Photos & Videos Every Day

Affiliate-program - Picture galleries and videos of Czech young bodybuilders, muscular fitness models, bodybuilding and fitness contests.

News and announcements

Headers and Announcements

Dear webmasters,

Here is how increase your pay-in:

Add a banner to your site and earn 40% of the total revenue! That's right. If you refer a customer that purchases a one month subsciption to my site at EUR 14.90, you get EUR 6.00 of that!

How does it work?

It is very easy. Sign up with Verotel, pick one of the banners, and use the code they provide. It's as easy as that!
Click the button below to join the reseller program. And remember, the more you help me advertise, the more money you make!

Newest Updates
Free Videos

Karel B - new model

HD preview clip
wmv 1280 x720


Zbynek Ceradsky - Europe Champion

Preview clip


Jan H - new model

Preview clip

Free Photos

Free photos right on your desktop.


Pavol Jablonicky

Top pro-bodybuilder and the best Czech bodybuilder of all time on CYM! We have two clips which contains Pavolīs latest muscle show.

Coming Next

New contest

New photos and videos from contest for non-registered bodybuilders coming also during March 2009.

New model Milan H

We will post many training and modeling galleries and videoclips of him during March.

New model Jiri S

We will post new photos and videos of this teenage natural bodybuilder and new CYM model during March.

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